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E-Mails from Rick
Thu 2/11/99 10:04 AM *****NOTICE: If anyone has been added to this list by error, or you would rather not receive this continuing series of updates because of workplace or time restrictions, please notify me via return E-mail. I can remove you or change your address at your request.***** Group: I just got off the phone with Holly, Larry's daughter. The news today is good, but as always with definite room for improvement and some specific areas of concern for prayer. Larry's vital signs remain good. He has *not* had any further incidents of irregular heartbeat, and for now the doctors are going to wait on any decision about a pacemaker for him. However, he remains on a respirator and is somewhat sedated, but is responsive to requests and commands. His lungs are clear and sound good, and the fluid buildup in his chest reported yesterday is gone. In fact, the drainage was so slight that the doctors have removed the chest tube as it wasn't really doing anything now. Larry's heart function is a little less than what the doctors would like to see, but it is acceptable and it continues to improve. Larry's kidney is still very sluggish, but the doctors continue to be hopeful that it will recover. However, his white blood cell count is up, and the doctors have a concern about a possible infection. Larry is scheduled for surgery at 4:00 PM Eastern time today to install the "perma-cath" dialysis connection. This will ease the on-going dialysis, which is helping him tremendously. Holly asked that we specifically pray for the following concerns: (1) that no infection occurs, (2) that his surgery this afternoon goes well, and (3) that his heart function continues to improve. I think that we should also ask God to intervene for his kidney as well. This is a day-by-day struggle, and Laura and Holly wished that I let you know how much they appreciate everyone's continuing support of Larry in prayer. This is a critical time in his recovery, and I think we should all continue to remember Larry at the top of each hour. Since we can't all be physically together to agree in prayer, by remembering Larry at the top of each hour we can lay claim to the promise given us in the Bible that "wherever two or more believers are gathered together, there the Spirit of the Lord is also". This gives us a powerful tool to use to do our part to support both Larry, Laura, and Holly at this time. God has definitely honored our prayers, and is working in wonderful ways to help them at this time. If you are new to this list, please join with us in this quest. Holly also gave me an address for Larry at the hospital, which some had asked about. Larry's address at this time is: Methodist Hospital Larry Pitt - CVCC Room #2209 1701 North Senate Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46206 Cards and letters are welcome, but at this time the doctors are still requesting "NO VISITORS" because of Larry's delicate condition. I will provide additional updates as information is available. Rick |
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Fri 2/12/99 1:19 PM Subject: ****Larry Pitt Update - 2/12/99**** *****NOTICE: If anyone has been added to this list by error, or you would rather not receive this continuing series of updates because of workplace or time restrictions, please notify me via return E-mail. I can remove you or change your address at your request.***** Group: I spoke with Laura just before lunch, and the news has a decidedly good flavor but with some areas for prayer concern (as expected). Larry's vital signs are good and remain steady. His chest remains clear, and the problems with fluid buildup have disappeared. His heart function is improving, but the doctors would like to see it improve a little faster. He has had no more incidents of arrhythmia, and based on this the doctors have placed any talk of a pacemaker on hold. His white blood count is down from yesterday (an answer to prayer) but the concern over infection remains. Larry remains on a respirator, but the doctors are considering removing him from it this afternoon or tomorrow. He is still sedated also, but is aware of what is going on around him. His doctor describes his sedation as a "Jack Daniel's drip", indicating that he has a good buzz and isn't *real* worried about much just now. The operation to install his "perma-cath" to allow more efficient dialysis was uneventful, and no problems have resulted from it. Larry remains on dialysis for the time being. His kidney function is improving as well, with 200 cc of urine output in the past 24 hours. However, the creatinine level of his urine output is rising (now 3.2 up from 2.7 yesterday), and the doctors are watching that closely. The doctors are also slowly reducing his medications, to allow his body to begin picking up these functions on its own. Specific prayer concerns for us to focus on are as follows: (1) for Larry's heart function to continue to improve, (2) that he remains free of infection, (3) that he be able to resume breathing normally on his own when removed from the respirator, and (4) that his kidney function continue to improve to normal. I know that we all want Larry to improve rapidly, and at times it seems like his recovery is taking forever. But if you consider his progress of just this week I believe you will be astounded at what God has accomplished. Our Heavenly Father is hearing our prayers on Larry's behalf and He is working in powerful ways. Larry's doctors acknowledge this, and Dr. Pitts (one of Larry's specialists) told Laura just this morning that he is a firm believer in the power of prayer. Let's continue our support of Larry and Laura in prayer, and let us not forget to give God the thanks for the progress we have seen. We serve an all-powerful and living God - and *I* am proud to be included in those who serve Him. I also consider myself fortunate to be associated with all of you, who have supported and continue to support Larry and Laura in their hour of need. On the domestic front, Laura and Holly were able to come home for a short while yesterday afternoon. Gray Cat, Angus, Harley, and Sybil were overjoyed to see them. I understand that Sybil actually made an appearance and allowed Holly to brush her. She still doesn't trust me, I guess, as I have only caught a fleeting glimpse of her thus far. Gray Cat got excited and didn't want to take his pill until Laura held him. This brief visit apparently boosted morale AND appetites, as today ALL of the food bowls were all but empty (a distinct change from the usual pattern thus far). The usual clutter of things from unidentified places was found on the floor today, and it seems that the remote for the TV in the bedroom is a big favorite. I have finally placed it in a laundry basket, so hopefully it can be found instead of being hidden under some dark place *people* cannot reach. Let us continue to hold Larry, Laura, and Holly up in prayer, even as we give thanks to God for what He has done already. I will provide additional updates as information is available. Rick |
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Sat 2/13/99 7:32 PM Subject: ****Larry Pitt Update - 2/13/99**** *****NOTICE: If anyone has been added to this list by error, or you would rather not receive this continuing series of updates because of workplace or time restrictions, please notify me via return E-mail. I can remove you or change your address at your request.***** Group: I missed Laura's call today at noon as I was out, but she left me a message that I got when I got home. As I sat down to write this E-mail Laura called again, and I spoke to her at length. The news as of this moment indicates an improvement from yesterday, but progress is very slow and several concerns persist. Larry's vital signs remain good and steady. He did have a couple of incidents of arrhythmia overnight, which were resolved but have caused the doctors to keep him on the respirator a bit longer. He is still sedated but at a lighter level now, and he is more responsive than he has been. Larry has been sedated this week as a pain control measure. Remember, he had his chest opened for the heart operation AND he had extensive work on his leg. As you know, when a patient has a bypass operation the doctors "harvest" veins from the leg to use around the heart. These wounds can be quite uncomfortable, and thus medication was needed to keep him comfortable. The doctors opted for sedation to minimize side effects from other types of pain medication. Larry has been having a low level of bleeding that is persisting in his leg wound, and he has received blood platelets to replace this loss. If this minor bleeding doesn't resolve soon, the doctors will perform a minor operation to close off the "bleeders" to stop it. This wouldn't be a major operation, but one that they would like to avoid if possible. There has been a small improvement in Larry's kidney function since yesterday, but the doctors would like to see more and this remains an area of concern. Larry remains on dialysis. The pancreatitis that was bothering him a few days ago has flared up again, and remains a concern as well. This is being treated with medication at present. Specific items for prayer concern tonight are (1) that Larry remain free of infection, (2) that his heart function continues to improve and that the arrhythmia not recur, (3) that his leg wound heal and stop bleeding, (4) that his kidney continues to improve, and (5) that the pancreatitis is resolved. Laura and I agreed that God has blessed Larry in an incredible way this past week, and looking at the big picture the Lord's hand is obvious. Larry is making much better progress than his doctors had thought initially possible after the surgery, and in fact have commented on this to Laura. Laura is quite frank that this is God's doing, and that He should have all the credit for it. She is also quite appreciative of the support and love expressed by all of you, and your unwavering support of them in prayer. Because of all of you, Laura has been able to tell others in the unit that there are literally hundreds of believers coming together in a spiritual way on Larry's behalf. This has been and remains a powerful witness to the nature and love of God for His children. We can best help Larry, Laura, and Holly at this time by faithfully remembering them in prayer. Because of Larry's delicate condition, the doctors are still requesting that he not have outside visitors at this time. I think that it is fitting that we should all take time tomorrow - Sunday, the Lord's day - to thank Him and praise Him for what He has done. We serve a living God, and one who has a personal interest in our lives. We can do God no greater honor than to come to Him with our problems, and accept His guidance in our daily lives. I also have some very good news to share with you in regard to a personal request that I made a couple of days ago. I had asked that you all remember a friend of mine who was going into surgery for a total joint replacement of his knee, as he was extremely anxious about the operation. I received word from his wife that the operation was textbook-smooth and that Jim did very well. He is expected to be released at the first of the week, and they sincerely appreciate everyone's efforts to remember them in prayer. I would like to add my personal thanks to their appreciation as well. I find it wonderful, but not surprising, that so many believers have lent their support to those they do not know. We are, after all, just fellow children in the family of God. Well, I need to close this for now and go and see that Gray Cat gets his pill for today. Holly came out to the house earlier, but she didn't give him the pill although she did look after their other needs for the moment. Of course, they are all anxiously awaiting the return of Cat Daddy! I will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Rick |
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Sun 2/14/99 9:12 AM Subject: ****Larry Pitt Update - 2/14/99**** *****NOTICE: If anyone has been added to this list by error, or you would rather not receive this continuing series of updates because of workplace or time restrictions, please notify me via return E-mail. I can remove you or change your address at your request.***** Group: We just got a call from Holly with an update on Larry's condition for today. The news indicates slow but continued improvement. Larry's vital signs remain good and are improving. The results of his bloodwork are good. He remains on the respirator for now, and is still somewhat sedated. His kidney function has improved, with increased urine output and now the creatinine levels are improving. Prayer concerns remain the same as last night - (1) that Larry remain free of infection, (2) that his heart function continues to improve and that the arrhythmia not recur, (3) that his leg wound heal and stop bleeding, (4) that his kidney continues to improve, and (5) that the pancreatitis is resolved. It is a very good sign that his urine output has increased and the kidney function is improving. The doctors are very hopeful that its full function can be restored. As we remember Larry, Laura, and Holly in prayer today let us not forget to support the doctors and the nurses tending Larry as well. The nurses, in particular, as the constant "watchers" of Larry's condition and provide virtually all of his hands-on care. Many of these people are believers who are praying for Larry also. I am sure that they would appreciate God's extra help in their jobs, as this is tough and demanding work that is vital to the function of the hospitals and essential to the successful recovery of patients. On the domestic front, last night when I went to give Gray Cat his pill I got quite a pleasant surprise. I was greeted by Sybil! Apparently she decided to find out what all the hoopty-doo over my arrival was all about, and she ventured out to see me for the *first* time. She was rewarded for her effort by a few cat treats, which she accepted. Sybil followed me around the house as I gave Gray Cat his pill, eyeing me warily but not getting too far away. She wasn't so friendly as to allow me to pet her, as it is obvious that she doesn't fully trust me yet. She continued her observation of my even as I left via the back door. Maybe she has decided that I am not a mortal threat after all. I will provide additional updates as information is available. Rick |
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Mon 2/15/99 10:08 AM Subject: ****Larry Pitt Update - 2/15/99**** *****NOTICE: If anyone has been added to this list by error, or you would rather not receive this continuing series of updates because of workplace or time restrictions, please notify me via return E-mail. I can remove you or change your address at your request.***** Group: I just got off the phone with Laura. Larry had an incident last night that concerns the doctors, but for the moment his vital signs are good and his heart function is good. About 3:20 AM, Larry experienced an episode in which his heart slowed and his respiration increased, but his blood gas concentrations dropped considerably. The on-hand staff administered some medication which restored normal sinus rhythm to his heart, and his respiration returned to normal along with his blood gas concentrations. But there has been no explanation for this episode yet. An echocardiogram has revealed no problems, but his doctors think it was respiratory-related. They will perform a series of tests today, including an EKG, a chest X-ray, and a CT scan of the chest and abdominal areas in order to find any problems. Blood work reveals that Larry's white blood cell count has increased once more, leading the doctors to be concerned about infection again. His pancreatitis is still present. For now, Larry remains on the respirator and he is still being sedated. After the incident this morning, Larry has been sleeping uneventfully. This incident weighs heavily upon Laura, and we should remember her as well as Larry in our prayers. Larry is under the care of a number of specialists, and it is sometimes difficult to get a clear picture of what is going on. Laura is doing her best to be there for Larry, but this is clearly draining for her and she badly needs the comfort and assurance that only God can provide. Our prayer focus for now should be that Larry's problem of this morning might be found and resolved, that he not develop an infection, and that Laura might receive the support of the Holy Spirit as she ministers to Larry. Please carry Larry and Laura in your hearts and thoughts today, and continue to hold them up to God in prayer as Larry undergoes these tests. I will provide further updates as information is available. Rick |
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Mon 2/15/99 3:13 PM Subject: ****An opportunity to help Laura and Holly**** *****NOTICE: If anyone has been added to this list by error, or you would rather not receive this continuing series of updates because of workplace or time restrictions, please notify me via return E-mail. I can remove you or change your address at your request.***** Group:
I got the following note from Jackie Carrigan this
afternoon, and I think it is an excellent idea. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is an excellent way to express our concern for Larry, Laura, and Holly, not to mention that it may save Laura and Holly from a bad case of stomach upset with institutionalized meals. Please contact Jackie directly if you can participate in this idea. Rick |
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Tue 2/16/99 10:51 AM Subject: ****Larry Pitt Update - 2/16/99**** ----- stwstch321 & exxit didn't get this message - mailboxes "temporarily unavailable"?????----- *****NOTICE: If anyone has been added to this list by error, or you would rather not receive this continuing series of updates because of workplace or time restrictions, please notify me via return E-mail. I can remove you or change your address at your request.***** Group: I got a phone call from Laura a bit ago, with some encouraging news about Larry. Last night Larry had a good night. His vital signs are good. The results of the tests of yesterday indicated no real problems, but the CT scan results aren't due until later today. His white blood cell count remains higher than they would like to see, but his kidney specialist thinks this could be a result of the steroids Larry is on and the condition of his kidney, and NOT from an infection. His heart is working well, and his lungs are functioning well also. He is experiencing some muscle weakness, but this isn't unexpected after two weeks of near-immobilization after surgery. Although he remains on the respirator for now, the doctors are reducing his sedation. Larry is awake and alert, and was given a "marking board" on which he could indicate questions and answers. His first response was to indicate that he wanted something to drink, and that something was spelled "C-O-K-E". Laura is much more encouraged today, as the doctor in charge of Larry's overall care had some very optimistic things to say about his condition. She wanted me to pass along her appreciation for everyone's support in prayer, as that is making a real difference. Specific prayer concerns today are (1) that Larry remain infection free, (2) that the results of the CT scan are favorable, (3) that his heart and lungs continue their improvement, and (4) that his kidney continue its recovery. On the domestic front, Sybil has now accepted that I am the person who hands out cat treats. She still will not allow me to pet her, but she greets me now on each visit and waits for her treats. Gray Cat has been very good about taking his pill, although he doesn't seem to care for the treats. Angus and Harley, however, make sure there aren't any treats laying about getting stale, as they are VERY enthusiastic about them when I come over. Things are appearing from who-knows-where in the middle of the floor, so I have taken to "policing" the area for unusual objects which I then place in a laundry basket. Yesterday I found a video patch cable, which I would suppose came from the VCR, but how these little stinkers got it off I have no idea. It will probably take Larry and Laura a month or more to put the house back together (or at least close to what it was) when they get home. I will send out additional updates as information is available. Rick |
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Wed 2/17/99 3:25 PM Subject: ****Larry Pitt Update - 2/17/99**** *****NOTICE: If anyone has been added to this list by error, or you would rather not receive this continuing series of updates because of workplace or time restrictions, please notify me via return E-mail. I can remove you or change your address at your request.***** Group: I got a telephone message from Holly this morning, with some VERY GOOD news! Larry was taken off the respirator this morning! His heart rate has been remarkably stable, as has his blood pressure, for the past day or so. Larry was VERY relieved to have the tubes removed, and wanted to brush his teeth right away. He was eating ice chips to get moisture back into his system, and could talk although his voice is hardly more than a whisper at present. The doctors have been able to take him off some of the medication that he has been receiving, and they think that now his kidney will begin to function more normally as the drugs are worked out of his system. Holly was very excited about this favorable turn of events, and sounded better than she had since this all began. Additionally, the results of the tests Larry took a couple of days ago are all back now, with favorable results on all of those. His white blood cell count is decreasing, but is still a little higher than it should be. He still shows no signs of any infections - another VERY GOOD sign. I believe this is yet another indication of God's power and grace for us in continuing to answer our prayers. Let us not forget to thank God for His answers even as we continue to remember Larry, Laura, and Holly during Larry's recovery. Larry still has quite a ways to go, and God's help is essential during this time of healing. On the domestic front, the gradual demolition of the Pitt house continues - mostly courtesy of the two black kittens - Angus and Harley - I suspect. Today all of the rugs in the kitchen were completely wadded up in the far corner, and there was a dayplanner under the kitchen table that was nowhere in sight yesterday. (It is about the size of a family Bible, and I cannot figure out how they managed to get it where I found it.) Also, since I took the remote control for the TV in the bedroom away from them, they went after the one in the living room and had it out in the floor as well. Apparently they got tired of the house being so quiet, and so *someone* turned on the Bose radio in the bathroom full blast tuned to a heavy-metal rock station. (I think this happened when one of them jumped up on it and sat on the towel that was covering it.) After restoring some semblance of order to the place, I gave Gray Cat his pill. Sybil now wants her treats as soon as I show up, and I *think* she briefly considered letting me pet her before she decided against it (for now). "Cat Daddy" and Laura need to return home soon before the whole place has been "cattified" - I'm afraid that my brief daily visits don't do much to restore order for long! I will provide additional updates as information is available. Rick |
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Thu 2/18/99 2:09 PM Subject: ****Larry Pitt Update - 2/18/99**** *****NOTICE: If anyone has been added to this list by error, or you would rather not receive this continuing series of updates because of workplace or time restrictions, please notify me via return E-mail. I can remove you or change your address at your request.***** Group: I got a telephone message from Laura a bit ago, and here is the update for today. Overall, Larry's condition remains good. His vital signs are very stable, and he remains off the respirator with no ill effects from that. His white blood cell count has come down a little more, but is still higher than the doctors would like to see. However, there is one significant problem that is troubling him quite a bit at the moment. Yesterday afternoon Larry began to experience some acute abdominal distress, and it continued last night and through today. The doctors attribute this to the pancreatitis, which remains a problem. Anything that Larry takes by mouth only aggravates this severely painful condition, so he remains on IV nourishment and the doctors are using a stomach tube to extricate any juices that collect in his stomach. The doctors have prescribed pain medication to manage the pain, and they are trying to ride it out by treating the pancreatitis medically. The other option is surgery, but they do not wish to subject Larry to another serious and involved surgery if it can be avoided at all. It is their opinion that Larry is in no shape to endure any more of that at this time. They have therefore elected to wait for several days to see if the condition can be resolved without the surgery. I would ask that we all remember Larry at the top of each hour in prayer, and ask God to intervene once more to eliminate this problem. We have done this before in the hours and days after Larry's surgery, laying claim to the Bible's promise to us that wherever two or more are gathered, there the Spirit of the Lord is also. God honors our spiritual gathering as much as he would a physical gathering if we were able to do so. I know that Larry really appreciates our efforts on this, as even with the pain medication he still remains distinctly uncomfortable. Persistent pain like this is perhaps the most difficult thing to endure when you are ill, and Larry desperately needs to rest comfortably in order to recuperate. Let us continue to faithfully hold Larry and Laura up to God in prayer for His support. I will provide additional updates as information is available. Rick |
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Fri 2/19/99 7:42 AM Subject: ****Larry Pitt passed away this morning**** Group: Our brother in Christ, Larry Pitt, left us to rejoin our Heavenly Father this morning at 4:13 AM. Laura was with him at the end, keeping vigil over him as she had for the many hours since his surgery. I spoke with Laura a few minutes ago via cell phone as she was on her way home. Laura indicated that I should put this message out so as to let you all know what had happened. She has already contacted all of the immediate family, so they already know about this. Larry had a really good day on Wednesday, and appeared to be making really substantial progress in his recovery. However, late on Wednesday afternoon the pancreatitis flared up and began making him uncomfortable. The pain increased, and the doctors were not able to control it. A CT scan revealed that his pancreas was hemorrhaging, and it could not be stopped. Larry received several units of blood, but his system collapsed from the accumulated strain of his ordeal. God then called him home for a perfect rest this morning. Laura is doing as well as can be expected at the moment, but she is exhausted from the events of the past couple of weeks and this is obviously a big blow to her. Laura indicated that the funeral will probably be Monday or Tuesday, and she is thinking of having it at the Conkle Funeral Home in Avon, IN. She will be making the arrangements later today. I will attempt to inform you of the finalized plans as soon as I find out what they are. This is perhaps the hardest E-mail I have ever written, and I know without doubt that it is the saddest. Even as I logged on to write this I have received messages that express appreciation and love for Larry. Larry was the finest neighbor that I have ever had, and I count myself incredibly fortunate to have known him as an individual. His was the personality that lit up a room, and he was always eager to talk about whatever you cared to discuss. I cannot begin to describe his generosity and caring about those around him. He was always looking for a way to help, and on a personal level too. Our neighborhood and community is a much poorer place for his passing. I can only say that the best testimony to Larry is the long list of friends and family that cared enough to ask to be included on this list of daily updates. I have told others, and I repeat, that I will consider myself a lucky man if I leave this world with only 10% of the number of friends that Larry had. The response to this series of messages has been overwhelming, and I consider myself fortunate to have been able to play a part. I have said many times in the past weeks that Laura and Holly wished to express their appreciation your support of them in prayer, and I would wish to add my appreciation of that as well. The burden to the Pitt family of Larry's surgery was considerable, but by accepting responsibility for part of that burden and interceding with God on Larry's behalf the burden on Laura and Holly was made more tolerable. It is important that we continue our prayer support of Laura and Holly during this very trying time. Both are physically, spiritually, and emotionally drained, yet some very difficult days lay ahead of them. Please remember them throughout your day, and if you have the chance please think if there is anything that you can do to help them. As I said, I will attempt to put out the information concerning the arrangements when it is available. Rick |
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Fri 2/19/99 1:44 PM Subject: ***Arrangements in Indiana for Larry*** Group: I have gotten the following information concerning funeral arrangements for Larry Pitt. They will be having services in Indiana, followed by services in Tennessee with burial there. The services in Indiana will be held at Conkle Funeral Home in Avon, Indiana. Conkle Funeral Home is located on the Northwest corner of the intersection of US 36 and State Road 267. Calling will be on Monday afternoon, February 22 from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM. The funeral service will be held on Tuesday, February 23 at 1:00 PM. The exact schedule of services in Tennessee is yet to be determined, but you can check with Karne's & Sons Funeral Home in Dyer, Tennessee to find these out when they are set. Please continue to remember Laura and Holly, as well as the rest of the family, in this time of grief. It is during this period that they have the greatest need of our prayers, and for the comfort that only God can provide. Rick |
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Fri 2/19/99 1:55 PM Subject: ***Larry's last request*** I apologize for forgetting this *very important* detail in my last message, which I just sent. By way of explanation, I can only say that in my concentration to get the times and places correct I nearly forgot a very important detail. This morning a letter addressed to Laura was found at the house, written by Larry. It is Larry's last request of us, his friends and family, to forgo the traditional flower contributions and instead make a financial contribution to National Kidney Foundation. Larry wanted to provide as much help to others with kidney problems as he could, and this is a fitting way to accomplish that. Thanks for your attention to this very important detail. Rick |
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National Kidney Foundation Donation in Memory Of James Larry Pitt Donor's Name: _____________________ Address: __________________________ Amount: __________________________
National Kidney
Laura J. Pitt |
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