February 23,
Larry and I were already very
serious about each other when he learned that he had kidney disease in 1979. He was
determined that it would not affect his enjoyment of life. He began dialysis treatments in
the late Summer, and we married on December 16, 1979.
The renal ward chaplain, who
became our good friend, counseled us and warned me that the life expectancy of a person
with end stage renal disease was two to five years. As all of you who know Larry will
understand, I wanted to be with him for whatever amount of time God allowed.
This coming Spring of 1999 it
will be 20 years since he was diagnosed. I guess you could say we were living on borrowed
time for many years, and I hoped we could borrow a little more, but I'm so thankful for
the time we did have and for the strength that God gave Larry to endure everything with a
cheerful spirit.
Throughout the years Larry has
had more than 20 surgeries, including three kidney transplants. He survived on dialysis
treatments during the years between transplants. He endured countless invasive tests and
procedures, and experienced incredible pain for years at a time.
The kidney disease adversely
affected nearly every system in Larry's body, but not his spirit. Larry called each new
health problem "just a ripple in our pond". He insisted on knowing all the facts
and the plan of action, and then he did whatever was necessary to manage the problem and
get on with enjoying life.
Larry continued to work full time for most of the 20
years. He sang and played beautiful music on his guitar with his pickin' buddies. We
traveled all over the country in our Blazer or on the motorcycle, first a Honda Gold Wing,
then later the Harley he
always dreamed of owning. Larry made life a joy for me, whether we were out
"gallivanting" or just being "old Mr. & Mrs. Pitt at home", as he would say.
When we married, Larry stated
we would never have
cats in the house. Larry brought home the first two kittens himself, we found the
second at a car dealership, then together we picked up two abandoned newborns that Larry
raised on a bottle. At six months they are now twice as big as other kittens their age,
thanks to Cat Daddy.
Larry had such a love for life, and such a gift for making
people laugh. He never knew a stranger. He made me feel like the most loved woman in the
world. He loved his children Holly & Derek, and his family and friends. Most important, Larry loved the Lord.
For the first time in many
years, Larry is perfectly healthy and he is safe with Jesus. On the day Larry left this
earth, a dear friend reminded me of a song: "What a day that will be when my Jesus I
shall see, And I look upon His face - the One who saved me by His grace. When He takes me
by the hand and leads me through the Promised Land; What a day, glorious day that will
The day Larry died felt like
the worst day I had ever experienced, but it was the best day for him. It hurts to be left
behind for now, but I know we will be reunited. My heart's desire, and I know Larry's too,
is that everyone have this assurance.
I have dreaded this time for
many years. God is holding me up, and I know he will get me through the days ahead, but
this is more painful than I ever imagined. Larry and I had a good understanding of how
important it was to appreciate each day together, but I wish now I had given him even more
hugs and kisses. There are never too many.
Please examine your hearts and
be mindful to appreciate every day you have with your loved ones. Don't wait to do and say
the loving things you plan on doing when everything else is caught up. You're never going
to get all caught up anyway, and before you know it 20 years can fly by.
I have run across some old
"to do" lists, and laughed over the tasks I thought were so important at one
time. Those things that never got completed didn't make any difference in the big picture.
So put a very low priority on accumulating things and spending time on tasks, and put a
very high priority on spending time hugging, kissing, and laughing with your loved ones.
About a year and a half ago,
Larry and I were invited by friends to visit Calvary Baptist Church in Plainfield. We
began to read God's word more than we ever had before. We discovered that the Bible
contains priceless treasure.
Our lives were enriched
immeasurably by reading and studying God's word, and by the friendship and love we have
found in our church family. I'm so thankful that God lead us to this church, and
strengthened our faith.
Thank you to all the people
who prayed for us, brought food to the hospital, visited us, did our laundry, made phone
calls for us - so many people held us up in so many ways.
I especially want to thank
Rick, our wonderful neighbor, for keeping everyone updated on email, and for taking care of our cats while Holly and I were at the
hospital for 17 days. Most important, Rick witnessed for Christ to more people than we
will probably ever know.
We wanted to bring Larry home,
but God knew what was best for Larry. I prayed for God to help Larry, and He did. My
Sweetheart is healthy and happy now, and we have the certainty, through God's grace, that
we will join him in paradise.
Just think what it must be
like for Larry now to be pain free, and to be with his Dad, and Uncle William and Aunt
Georgie, and my sister Beverly,
and our nephew Tommy, and all the rest. What a glorious day that will be when our Savior's
face we see, and we are all together again.